WCS Exhibitions

Where Children Sleep – stories of diverse children around the world, told through portraits and pictures of their bedrooms. A few years ago a children's charity asked me to come up with an idea for engaging with children’s rights, I found myself thinking about my bedroom: how significant it was during my childhood, and how it reflected what I had and who I was. It occurred to me that a way to address some of the complex situations and social issues affecting children would be to look at the bedrooms of children in all kinds of different circumstances. From the start, I didn’t want it just to be about ‘needy children’ in the developing world, but rather something more inclusive, about children from all types of situations. This is a selection from the two books: Where Children Sleep (2010) and Where Children Sleep Volume II (2023) . The first edition (now out of print) had 56 diptychs & Vol 2 has 73 diptychs. In the books each child’s story is told in a short text under the portrait.

A selection of exhibitions at Kyotographie & The Hague